Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mirror, Mirror in the Mail

Recently the crazy-creative-collaborative-charismatic design team over at 3rd Degree created a cute & catchy direct mail piece using variable data! And if there's one thing we LOVE here at Heritage it's variable data!! The team was actually hired to launch a new brand for Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates. The direct mail piece was just one component, of a much larger effort to launch the new brand. A pale pink direct mailer with a die cut mirror was created. The reflection in the mirror was created using variable data, so the customer's name (reflected in the mirror) changed for each individual piece. It was a hit, and Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates received great feedback from their customers as well.
You know, Cosmetic Surgery Affiliates and Variable Data Print have a lot in common! They both make you look good, and get you noticed! (I'm going to bet that's the first, and possibly last time, someone will compare cosmetic surgery to variable data print capabilities.)

With Variable Data Printing, we customize every mail piece unique to the recipient. You can vary the text or even the photos used on each card. The result is personalized mail that really gets noticed. Since response rates are generally much higher with variable data printing, you can mail smaller quantities and still achieve better results.

So in conclusion I think all you need to remember is this:

If you need to get your BUTT in gear and do some variable data direct mail campaigns, you need to see us. If you need to save your companies BUTT and get a new brand, you need to see them. And, if you just want a brand new BUTT for yourself, then definitely see them.

There's no BUTTS about it, together we can all make you look good!


  1. Thanks for making us and our client the BUTT of your joke. (But in a good way.)

  2. Haha! I love this post! We definitely collaborate with you folks at Heritage to really work your variable data capabilities and our creative magic in new and interesting ways.

  3. Thanks for your comments girls! We love working with you all!


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